
Tangela Ancient Power Legends Arceus

1 Rowlet Grass / Flying Starter Pokémon
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Baloney
2 Dartrix Grass / Flying Evolves from Rowlet at Level 17
Coronet Highlands - Space-fourth dimension Distortion
3 Decidueye (Hisuain) Grass / Fighting Evolves from Dartrix at Level 36
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Distortion
4 Cyndaquil Burn down Starter Pokémon
Crimson Mirelands - Infinite-time Distortion
5 Quilava Burn Evolves from Cyndaquil at Level 17
Scarlet Mirelands - Space-time Baloney
6 Typhloison (Hisuian) Burn / Ghost Evolves from Quilava at Level 36
Carmine Mirelands - Infinite-time Distortion
7 Oshawott H2o Starter Pokémon
Alabaster Icelands - Space-time Baloney
8 Dewott H2o Evolves from Oshawott at Level 17
Alabaster Icelands - Space-time Distortion
9 Samurott (Hisuian) Water / Dark Evolves from Dewott at Level 36
Alabaster Icelands - Space-time Baloney
10 Bidoof Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Aspiration Colina, Horseshoe Plains, Tidewater Dam
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Ursa's Ring, Droning Meadow
Cobalt Coastlands - Spring Path
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg'due south Legacy
11 Bibarel Normal Evolves from Bidoof at Level 15
Obsidian Fieldlands - Tidewater Dam
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Ursa's Ring, Droning Meadow
Cobalt Coastlands - Leap Path
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy
12 Starly Normal / Flying Obsidian Fieldlands - Aspiration Hill, Horseshoe Plains, Windswept Run, Tidewater Dam
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Deadwood Hunt
Not available at nighttime
13 Staravia Normal / Flight Evolves from Starly at Level xiv
Obsidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry, Tidewater Dam, Ramanas Isle, Sandgem Flats
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Deadwood Haunt
Not available at night
xiv Staraptor Normal / Flying Evolves from Staravia at Level 34
Obsidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry
Cobalt Coastlands - Deadwood Haunt
15 Shinx Electric Obsidian Fieldlands - Aspiration Hill, Floaro Gardens, Oreburrow Tunnel
Coronet Highlands - Sonorous Path
16 Luxio Electrical Evolves from Shinx at Level fifteen
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, Oreburrow Tunnel, Sandgem Flats
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout, Sonorous Path, Sacred Plaza, Cloudcap Pass
17 Luxray Electrical Evolves from Luxio at Level 30
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Spotter, Sonorous Path, Sacred Plaza, Cloudcap Laissez passer
18 Wurmple Issues Obsidian Fieldlands - Horeshoe Plains, Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood
19 Silcoon Bug Evolves from Wurmple at Level 7
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood
Not available at nighttime
20 Beautifly Problems / Flying Evolves from Silcoon at Level 10
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood, Grueling Grove
Non bachelor at dark
21 Cascoon Issues Evolves from Wurmple at Level 7
Simply at night:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood
22 Dustox Problems / Toxicant Evolves from Cascoon at Level 10
Just at dark:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood, Grueling Grove
Cobalt Coastlands - Veilstone Greatcoat
23 Ponyta Fire Obsidian Fieldlands - Horeshoe Plains
24 Rapidash Burn Evolves from Ponyta Level 40
Obsidian Fieldlands - Horeshoe Plains
25 Eevee Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Horeshoe Plains, Infinite-fourth dimension Distortion
Reddish Mirelands - Infinite-time Distortion
Cobalt Coastlands - Crossing Slope, Space-time Distortion
Coronet Highlands - Space-fourth dimension Distortion
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg'southward Legacy, Avalanche Slopes, Space-ime Distortion
26 Vaporeon Water Evolves from Eevee using a Water Stone
Cobalt Coastlands - Space-fourth dimension Distortion
27 Jolteon Electrical Evolves from Eevee using a Thunder Stone
Coronet Highlands - Infinite-time Distortion
28 Flareon Fire Evolves from Eevee using a Fire Stone
Ruddy Mirelands - Space-time Distortion
Cobalt Coastlands - Space-time Distortion
29 Espeon Psychic Evolves from Eevee with loftier friendship during the twenty-four hour period
Alabaster Icelands - Space-fourth dimension Baloney
30 Umbreon Dark Evolves from Eevee with high friendship at night
Reddish Mirelands - Space-time Distortion
31 Leafeon Grass Evolves from Eevee by Moss-Covered Rock in Obsidian Fieldlands or using Grass Stone
Obsidian Fieldlands - Space-time Baloney
32 Glaceon Water ice Evolves from Eevee by Ice Stone in Alabaster Icelands or using Ice Stone
Alabaster Icelands - Infinite-time Distortion
33 Sylveon Fairy Evolves from Eevee which knows a fairy-type move and has high friendship
Obsidian Fieldlands - Infinite-time Distortion
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Distortion
34 Zubat Poison / Flying Only at night:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Path, Nature'south Pantry, The Heartwood, Oreburrow Tunnel
Cherry-red Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout, Wayward Cavern
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
35 Golbat Poison / Flying Evolves from Zubat at Level 22
Only at night:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Oreburrow Tunnel
Ruby Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Watch, Wayward Cavern
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
36 Crobat Toxicant / Flight Evolves from Golbat with high friendship
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cave
Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls
37 Drifloon Ghost / Flying Only at night:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Aspiration Hill, Horseshoe Plains, Floaro Gardens, Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Bathers' Lagoon, Deadwood Haunt, Tranquility Cove
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg'due south Legacy, Glacier Terrace, Centre's Crag
38 Drifblim Ghost / Flying Evolves from Drifloon at Level 20
Only at night:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats, Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Bathers' Lagoon, Deadwood Haunt, Tranquility Cove
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg'southward Legacy, Glacier Terrace, Middle'due south Crag
39 Kricketot Problems Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Path, Nature'due south Pantry, Windswept Run
Scarlet Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Cloudpool Ridge
40 Kricketune Problems Evolves from Kricketot at Level 10
Obisidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry
Cerise Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Cloudpool Ridge
41 Buizel H2o Obsidian Fieldlands - Horseshoe Plains, Windswept Run, Worn Span
Cobalt Coastlands - Aipom Colina, Bathers' Lagoon
42 Floatzel Water Evolves from Buizel at Level 26
Obsidian Fieldlands - Worn Bridge
Cobalt Coastlands - Aipom Loma, Bathers' Lagoon
43 Burmy Problems Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Path, Deertrack Heights, Nature's Pantry, Grueling Grove
Ruby Mirelands - Gold Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog, Cloudpool Ridge, Shrouded Ruins
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Crossing Slope, Veilstone Cape, Bathers' Lagoon
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout man, Celestica Trail, Celestica Ruins, Stonetooth Rows
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Glacier Terrace, Lake Acuity, Barrage Slopes
44 Wormadam Bug and, depending on forme, Grass, Ground or Steel Evolves from female Burmy at Level 20
Obisidian Fieldlands - Grueling Grove, Sandgem Flats
Ruby Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Crossing Slope, Veilstone Greatcoat, Bathers' Lagoon
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Picket, Celestica Trail, Celestica Ruins, Stonetooth Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Glacier Terrace, Lake Vigil, Barrage Slopes
45 Mothim Issues / Flying Evolves from male Burmy at Level twenty
Obsidian Fieldlands - Grueling Grove
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Veilstone Cape, Aipom Hill, Leap Path
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cavern
46 Geodude Rock / Basis Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Heights, Worn Bridge, Oreburrow Tunnel
Cherry Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, Ursa'southward Ring, Bolderoll Slop
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Veilstone Cape, Aipom Hill, Bathers' Lagoon
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Clamberclaw Cliffs, Celestica Ruins
47 Graveler Rock / Ground Evolves from Geodude at Level 25
Obisdian Fieldlands - Oreburrow Tunnel, Sandgem Fields
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Cherry Bog, Ursa's Ring, Bolderoll Slope
Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand, Firespit Island, Islespy Shore, Spring Path
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Picket, Bolderoll Ravine, Clamberclaw Cliffs, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
48 Golem Rock / Ground Evolves from Graveler using Linking Cord
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine
49 Stantler Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Heights
Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Woods
l Wyrdeer Normal / Psychic Evolves from Stantler after using Psyshield Bash Agile Style twenty times
51 Munchlax Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Heights
Alabaster Icelands - Hot Spring
52 Snorlax Normal Evolves from Munchlax with high friendship
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats
Alabaster Icelands - Snowfall Hot Bound
53 Paras Issues / Grass Obsidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry
Crimson Mirelands - Aureate Lowlands, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge, Cottensedge Prairie
Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout man, Wayward Woo
54 Parasect Bug / Grass Evolves from Paras at Level 24
Obsidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry
Crimson Mirelands - Gilt Lowlands, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge, Cottonsedge Prairie
Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout, Wayward Wood
55 Pichu Electrical Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, Nature's Pantry
Crimsn Mirelands - Gold Lowlands
56 Pikachu Electric Evolves from Pichu with high friendship
Obsidian Fieldlands - Nature's Pantry
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands
Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand
57 Raichu Electrical Evolves from Pikachu using a Thunder Rock
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands
58 Abra Psychic Obsidian Fieldlands - Windswept Run, Sandgem Flats
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity
59 Kadabra Psychic Evolves from Abra at Level xvi
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity
lx Alakazam Psychic Evolves from Kadabra using a Linking Cord
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats
61 Chimchar Fire Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Heights, Ramanas Island
62 Monferno Fire / Fighting Evolves from Chimchar at Level fourteen
Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Island
63 Infernape Fire / Fighting Evolves from Monferno at Level 36
Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Island
64 Buneary Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Snowfall Hot Spring
65 Lopunny Normal Evolves from Buneary with high friendship
Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Snowfall Hot Spring
66 Cherubi Grass Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog
Coronet Highlands - Lonely Bound, Fabled Jump, Primeval Grotto
67 Cherrim Grass Evolves from Cherubi at Level 25
Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood
Carmine Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog
Coronet Highlands - Lonely Spring, Fabled Leap, Earliest Grotto
68 Psyduck Water Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowland, Gapejaw Bog, Holm of Trails
Cobalt Coastlands - Bathers' Lagoon
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Forest, Lonely Spring
69 Golduck Water Evolves from Psyduck at Level 33
Blood-red Mirelands - Holm of Trails
Cobalt Coastlands - Bathers' Lagoon, Spring Path
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Wood, Solitary Jump
70 Combee Issues / Flying Obsidian Fieldlands - The Heartwood, Grueling Cove, Ramanas Island
Crimson Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge, Lake Valor, Cottonsedge Prairie, Droning Meadow
Cobalt Coastlands - Aipom Hill
71 Vespiquen Bug / Flying Evolves from female person Combee at Level 21
Crimson Mirelands - Lake Valor, Cottonsedge Praire, Dawdling Meadow
72 Scyther Issues / Flying Obsidian Fieldlands - Grandtree Arena
Coronet Highlands - Primeval Grotto
73 Kleavor Bug / Rock Evolves from Scyther using Black Augurite
74 Scizor Problems / Steel Evolves from Scyther using a Metal Coat
Alabaster Icelands - Space-time Distortion
75 Heracross Bug / Fighting Obsidian Fieldlands - Grueling Grove
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Woods
Not available at nighttime
76 Mime Jr. Psychic / Fairy Obsidian Fieldlands - Horseshoe Plains, Sandgem Flats
77 Mr. Mime Psychic / Fairy Evolves from Mime Jr. when it knows Mimic
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats
78 Aipom Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Aipom Loma, Hideaway Bay
Alabaster Icelands - Whiteout Valley, Glacier Terrace, Snow Hot Bound, Heart's Crag
79 Ambipom Normal Evolves from Aipom when it knows Double Hit
Cobalt Coastlands - Aipom Loma, Hideaway Bay
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes, Arena's Arroyo, Middle's Crag
80 Magikarp H2o Obsidian Fieldlands - Obsidian Falls, Lake Verity
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Leap
81 Gyarados Water / Flying Evolves from Magikarp at Level 20
Obsidian Fieldlands - Obsidian Falls, Lake Verity
Cobalt Coastlands - Sand'due south Accomplish
Coronet Highlands - Primeval Grotto
82 Shellos Water Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats, Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Tranquillity Cove, Seagrass Oasis
83 Gastrodon H2o / Ground Evolves from Shellos at Level 30
Obsidian Fieldlands - Sandgem Flats, Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Seagrass Oasis
84 Qwilfish (Hisuian) Nighttime / Poison Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Isle
Cobalt Coastlands - Placidity Cove, Lunker'southward Lair, Islespy Shore
85 Overqwill Night / Poison Evolves from Qwilfish afterwards using Barb Avalanche Stiff Manner 20 times
Crimson Mirelands - Lake Valor equally part of The Trail of Lake Valor Mission
86 Happiny Normal Obsidian Fieldlands - Oreburrow Tunnel, Obsidian Falls
Cobalt Coastlands - Hideaway Bay
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
87 Chansey Normal Evolves from Happiny by using an Oval Stone during the solar day
Obsidian Fieldlands - Obsidian Falls
Cobalt Coastlands - Hideaway Bay, Tombolo Walks
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
88 Blissey Normal Evolves from Chansey with high friendship
Obsidian Fieldlands - Obsidian Falls
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
89 Budew Grass / Toxicant Crimson Mirelands - Gold Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Spring
Not available at dark
ninety Roselia Grass / Poisonous substance Evolves from Budew with high friendship during the solar day
Red Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Jump
91 Roserade Grass / Poison Evolves from Roselia using a Shiny Rock
Ruby Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
Not available at night
92 Carnivine Grass Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog, Cloudpool Ridge, Holm of Trails
Coronet Highlands - Alone Bound
93 Petilil Grass Crimson Mirelands - Cottonsedge Prairie, Holm of Trails
94 Lilligant (Hisuain) Grass / Fighting Evolves from Petilil using a Sun Stone Image pending 95 Tangela Grass Reddish Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog
Cobalt Coastlands - Crossing Slope
96 Tangrowth Grass Evolves from Tangela when it knows Ancient Power
Cherry Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog
97 Barboach Water / Ground Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Lake Valor
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cavern
98 Whiscash Water / Footing Evolves from Barboach at Level xxx
Cherry-red Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Lake Valor
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cave
99 Croagunk Poison / Figthing Cherry-red Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Ruby Bog, Holm of Trails
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
100 Toxicroak Poison / Figthing Evolves from Croagunk at Level 37
Crimson Mirelands - Holm of Trails
Cobalt Coastlands - Jump Path
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
101 Ralts Psychic / Fairy Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Shrouded Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Middle's Crag, Snowpoint Temple
102 Kirlia Psychic / Fairy Evolves from Ralts at Level 20
Red Mirelands - Shrouded Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Heart's Crag, Snowpoint Temple
103 Gardevoir Psychic / Fairy Evolves from Kirlia at Level 30
Alabaster Icelands - Heart's Crag
Non available at dark
104 Gallade Psychic / Fighting Evolves from male Kirlia using a Dawn Rock
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
105 Yanma Bug / Flight Cherry-red Highlands - Gapejaw Bog, Ursa's Ring, Dawdling Meadow
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Picket
Not available at night
106 Yanmega Bug / Flying Evolves from Yanma when it knows Ancient Power
Reddish Mirelands - Droning Meadow
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout
Not available at night
107 Hippopotas Footing Crimson Mirelands - Sludge Mound, Scarlet Bog
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail
108 Hippowdon Ground Evolves from Hippopotas at Level 34
Crimson Mirelands - Sludge Mound, Carmine Bog
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail
109 Pachirisu Electrical Crimson Mirelands - Dawdling Meadow
110 Stunky Poison / Dark Crimson Mirelands - Cerise Bog
Coronet Highlands - Aboriginal Quarry
111 Skuntank Poison / Dark Evolves from Stunky at Level 34
Crimson Mirelands - Scarlet Bog
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
112 Teddiursa Normal Reddish Mirelands - Ursa's Band
Coronet Highlands - Soronous Path
113 Ursaring Normal Evolves from Teddiura at Level 30
Scarlet Mirelands - Ursa'south Ring
Coronet Highlands - Soronous Path
114 Ursaluna Normal / Ground Evolves from Ursaring when using a Peat Cake during a full moon
115 Goomy Dragon Crimson Mirelands - Holm of Trails
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
116 Sliggoo (Hisuain) Dragon / Steel Evolves from Goomy at Level forty
Crimson Mirelands - Holm of Trials
Coronet Highlands - Aboriginal Quarry
117 Goodra (Hisuian) Dragon / Steel Evolves from Sliggoo at Level 50 during the rain
Obsidian Fieldlands - Lake Verity as function of The Trail of Lake Verity mission
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
118 Onix Rock / Ground Crimson Mirelands - Scarlet Bog, Bolderoll Gradient, Lake Valor
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail
119 Steelix Steel / Ground Evolves from Onix using a Metal Coat
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail
120 Rhyhorn Ground / Rock Crimson Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Diamond Heath, Shrouded Ruins
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail, Sacred Plaza
121 Rhydon Footing / Stone Evolves from Rhyhorn at Level 42
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail, Sacred Plaza
122 Rhyperior Basis / Rock Evolves from Rhydon using a Protector
Coronet Highlands - Sacred Plaza
123 Bonsly Rock Crimson Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Ruins
124 Sudowoodo Stone Evolves from Bonsly when it knows Mimic
Crimson Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Ruins
125 Lickitung Normal Reddish Mirelands - Shrouded Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Snow Hot Spring, Barrage Slopes
126 Lickilicky Normal Evolves from Lickituny when it knows Rollout
Crimson Mirelands - Shrouded Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
127 Togepi Fairy Crimson Mirelands - Cottonsedge Prairie
Cobalt Coastlands - Bathers' Lagoon, Repose Cove
Non available at night
128 Togetic Fairy / Flight Evolves from Togepi with loftier friendship
Ruddy Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Cottonsedge Prairie
Cobalt Coastlands - Tranquility Cove
129 Togekiss Fairy / Flight Evolves from Togetic using a Shiny Stone
Obsidian Fieldlands - Lake Verity
Not available at night
130 Turtwig Grass Crimson Mirelands - Droning Meadow
131 Grotle Grass Evolves from Turtwig at Level 18
Crimson Mirelands - Droning Meadow
132 Torterra Grass / Ground Evolves from Grotle at Level 32
Crimson Mirelands - Holm of Trails
133 Porygon Normal Cherry Mirelands - Space-time Baloney
134 Porygon-two Normal Evolves from Porygon using an Upgrade
Crimson Mirelands - Space-fourth dimension Distortion
135 Porygon-Z Normal Evolves from Porygon-2 using a Dubious Disc
Cherry Mirelands - Space-time Distortion
136 Gastly Ghost / Poison Only at dark:
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, Shrouded Ruins
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes
137 Haunter Ghost / Poison Evolves from Gastly at Level 25
Only at dark:
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Reddish Bog, Shrouded Ruins, Cottonsedge Prairie
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Winters
138 Gengar Ghost / Poison Evolves from Haunter using a Linking Cord
Obsidian Fieldlands - Space-time Distortions
139 Spiritomb Ghost / Dark Complete Request 22 - Eerie Apparitions in the Night
140 Murkrow Dark / Flight Only at nighttime:
Red Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
Cobalt Coastlands - Crossing Slope, Veilstone Cape, Hideaway Bay, Islespy Shore
141 Honchkrow Nighttime / Flight Only at night:
Evolves from Murkrow using a Dusk Rock
Crimson Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
Cobalt Coastlands - Bathers' Lagoon
142 Unown Psychic Beyond the Hisui region
143 Spheal Ice / Water Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing
144 Sealeo Ice / H2o Evolves from Spheal at Level 32
Cobalt Coastlands - Islespy Shore
145 Walrein Water ice / Water Evolves from Sealeo at Level 44
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Islespy Shore
146 Remoraid H2o Cobalt Coastlands - Castaway Shore, Sand'due south Reach, Placidity Cove
147 Octillery H2o Evolves from Remoraid at Level 25
Cobalt Coastlands - Castaway Shore, Islespy Shore
148 Skorupui Toxicant / Problems Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Castaway Shore
149 Drapion Poison / Nighttime Evolves from Skorupi at Level xl
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing
150 Growlithe (Hisuian) Fire / Rock Cobalt Coastlands - Windbreak Stand, Veilstone Cape
151 Arcanine (Hisuian) Fire / Rock Evolves from Growlithe using a Burn Stone Epitome pending 152 Glameow Normal Cobalt Coastlands - Crossing Slope, Veilstone Greatcoat
Alabaster Icelands - Glacier Terrace
153 Purugly Normal Evolves from Glameow at Level 38
Cobalt Coastlands - Crossing Slope, Veilstone Cape
Alabaster Icelands - Glacier Terrace
154 Machop Fighting Obsidian Fieldlands - Oreburrow Tunnel, Obsidian Falls
Cobalt Coastlands - Castaway Shore
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Cloudcap Pass
Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls, Arena's Arroyo, Snowfall Hot Jump
155 Machoke Fighting Evolves from Machop at Level 28
Obsidian Fieldlands - Obsidian Falls
Cobalt Coastlands - Castaway Shore
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Cloudcap Pass
Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls, Arena's Arroyo, Snowfall Hot Spring
156 Machamp Fighting Evolves from Machoke using a Linking Cord
Alabaster Icelands - Arena'southward Arroyo
157 Chatot Normal / Flying Cobalt Coastlands - Deadwood Haunt
Non bachelor at nighttime
158 Duskull Ghost Only at night:
Cobalt Coastlands - Deadwood Haunt
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes, Loonshit'southward Approach
159 Dusclops Ghost Evolves from Duskull at Level 37
Only at night:
Cobalt Coastlands - Deadwood Haunt
Alabaster Icelands - Barrage Slopes, Loonshit's Approach
160 Dusknoir Ghost Evolves from Dusknoir using a Reaper Cloth
Merely at night:
Cobalt Coastlands - Deadwood Haunt
161 Piplup Water Cobalt Coastlands - Leap Path
162 Prinplup H2o Evolves from Piplup at Level 16
Cobalt Coastlands - Jump Path
163 Empoleon Water Evolves from Prinplup at Level 36
Cobalt Coastlands - Islespy Shore
164 Mantyke H2o / Flying Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Tranquillity Cove
165 Mantine Water / Flying Evolves from Mantyke when Remoraid is in party
Cobalt Coastlands - Tranquility Cove
166 Basculin Water Cobalt Coastlands - Tranquility Cove, Islespy Shore
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Jump
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity, Centre'southward Crag
167 Basculegion H2o / Ghost Evolves from Basculin later gaining 294 impairment in recoil from moves without fainting
168 Vulpix
(Alolan variant likewise available) Fire
Alolan - Ice Kanto form:
Cobalt Coastlands - Veilstone Cape
Alolan form:
Asking 83 - Snow-White Vulpix in the Snowfall
169 Ninetales
(Alolan variant also available) Burn
Alolan - Ice / Fairy Kanto form:
Apply Fire Rock on Vulpix and Cobalt Coastlands - Firespit Isle
Alolan form:
Use Ice Stone on Alolan Vulpix
170 Tentacool Water / Poison Cobalt Coastlands - Lunker'southward Lair, Seagrass Haven, Islespy Shore
171 Tentacruel Water / Poison Evolves from Tentacool at Level 30
Cobalt Coastlands - Lunker's Lair, Seagrass Haven, Islespy Shore
172 Finneon Water Cobalt Coastlands - Seagrass Haven
173 Lumineon Water Evolves from Finneon at Level 31
Cobalt Coastlands - Seagrass Oasis
174 Magby Fire Cobalt Coastlands - Firespit Island
175 Magmar Fire Evolves from Magby at Level 30
Cobalt Coastlands - Firespit Island
176 Magmortar Fire Evolves from Magmar using a Magmarizer
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Distortion
177 Magnemite Electric / Steel Cobalt Coastlands - Space-fourth dimension Distortion
178 Magneton Electrical / Steel Evolves from Magnemite at Level 30
Cobalt Coastlands - Space-time Distortion
179 Magnezone Electric / Steel Evolves from Magneton in the Coronet Highlands
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail, Fabled Spring, Clamberclaw Cliffs
180 Bronzor Steel / Psychic Coronet Highlands - Aboriginal Quarry, Clamberclaw Cliffs, Stonetooth Rows, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity, Snowpoint Temple
181 Bronzong Steel / Psychic Evolves from Bronzor at Level 33
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry, Clamberclaw Cliffs, Stonetooth Rows, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity, Snowpoint Temple
182 Elekid Electric Coronet Highlands - Cloudcap Pass
Alabaster Icelands - Arena's Arroyo, Icebound Falls
183 Electabuzz Electric Evolves from Elekid at Level 30
Coronet Highlands - Cloudcap Pass
Alabaster Icelands - Arena's Approach, Icebound Falls
184 Electivire Electric Evolves from Electabuzz using an Electirizer
Coronet Highlands - Cloudcap Pass
185 Gligar Footing / Flying Coronet Highlands - Clamberclaw Cliffs, Celestica Ruins, Cloudcap Pass, Primeval Grotto
Alabaster Icelands - Glacier Terrace, Arena's Approach
186 Gliscor Ground / Flying Evolves from Gligar using a Razor Fang at night
Coronet Highlands - Primeval Grotto
187 Gible Dragon / Ground Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cave, Clamberclaw Cliffs
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
188 Gabite Dragon / Ground Evolves from Gible at Level 24
Coronet Highlands - Clamberclaw Cliffs
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
189 Garchomp Dragon / Footing Evolves from Gabite at Level 48
Alabaster Icelands - Avalanche Slopes
190 Nosepass Rock Coronet Highlands - Celestica Ruins, Primeval Grotto
191 Probopass Stone / Steel Evolves from Nosepass in the Coronet Highlands
Coronet Highlands - Primeval Grotto
192 Voltorb (Hisuian) Electrical / Grass Coronet Highlands - Sacred Plaza
193 Electrode (Hisuian) Electric / Grass Evolves from Hisuian Voltorb using a Leaf Stone Paradigm pending 194 Rotom Electric and, depending on forme, Ghost, Fire, Water, Ice, Flying or Grass Coronet Highlands - Stonetooth Rows, Sacred Plaza
195 Chingling Psychic Coronet Highlands - Sacred Plaza
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity
196 Chimecho Psychic Evolves from Chingling at dark with loftier friendship
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity
197 Misdreavus Ghost Only at night:
Coronet Highlands - Stonetooth Rows, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins
198 Mismagius Ghost Evolves from Misdreavus using a Dusk Stone
Only at dark:
Coronet Highlands - Stonetooth Rows
199 Cleffa Fairy Simply at night:
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Spring
200 Clefairy Fairy Evolves from Cleffa with high friendship
Merely at night:
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Bound
201 Clefable Fairy Evolves from Clefairy using a Moon Stone
Only at night:
Coronet Highlands - Fabled Spring
202 Sneasel (Hisuian) Hisuian class - Toxicant / Figthing
Johto grade - Nighttime / Water ice Hisuian grade:
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail, Primeval Grotto
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy, Glacier Terrace
Johto grade:
Obsidian Fieldlands - Space-time Distortion
203 Sneasler Poison / Fighting Evolves from Hisuian Sneasel with a Razor Claw during the twenty-four hour period
204 Weavile Night / Ice Evolves from a Johto Sneasel with a Razor Hook at nighttime
Obsidian Fieldlands - Space-time Distortion
205 Snorunt Ice Alabaster Icelands - Whiteout Valley, Bonechill Wastes, Avalanche Slopes, Avalugg's Legacy
206 Glalie Ice Evolves from Snorunt at Level 42
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Avalugg's Legacy, Barrage Slopes, Snowpoint Temple
207 Froslass Ice / Ghost Evolves from female Snorunt using a Dawn Stone
Only at dark:
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Avalugg's Legacy, Avalanche Slopes
208 Cranidos Stone Coronet Highlands - Space-time Baloney
209 Rampardos Stone Evolves from Cranidos at Level xxx
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Distortion
210 Shieldon Rock / Steel Coronet Highlands - Space-time Baloney
211 Bastiodon Stone / Steel Evolves from Shieldon at Level 30
Coronet Highlands - Space-time Distortion
212 Swinub Ice / Ground Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Avalugg's Legacy, Avalanche Slopes
213 Piloswine Ice / Basis Evolves from Swinub at Level 33
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Avalugg's Legacy, Avalanche Slopes
214 Mamoswine Ice / Ground Evolves from Piloswine when it knows Ancient Power
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy
215 Bergmite Ice Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg'southward Legacy, Arean's Approach
216 Avalugg (Hisuain) Water ice / Stone Evolves from Bergmite at Level 37
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy Image pending 217 Snover Grass / Ice Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy, Glacier Terrace
218 Abomasnow Grass / Ice Evolves from Snover at Level twoscore
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy, Glacier Terrace
219 Zora (Hisuain) Normal / Ghost Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Icepeak Cavern
220 Zoroark (Hisuain) Normal / Ghost Evolves from Hisuain Zora at Level thirty
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes, Icepeak Cavern
221 Rufflet Normal / Flying Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity, Heart's Crag
222 Braviary (Hisuain) Psychic / Flying Evolves from Rufflet at Level 54
Alabaster Icelands - Lake Vigil
223 Riolu Fighting Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls, Snowfall Hot Bound
224 Lucario Fighting / Steel Evolves from Riolu with high friendship during the day
Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls, Snowfall Hot Spring
225 Uxie Psychic Alabaster Icelands - Lake Acuity
226 Mesprit Psychic Obsidian Fieldlands - Lake Verity
227 Azelf Psychic Cerise Mirelands - Lake Valor
228 Heatran Burn down / Steel Cobalt Coastlands - Lava Dome Sanctum
229 Regigigas Normal Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
230 Cresselia Psychic Coronet Highlands - Moonpeak
231 Tornadus Flying Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes but appears during blizzards
232 Thundurus Electric / Flying Cobalt Coastlands - in the bounding main northward of Sand's Achieve but appears during thunderstorms
233 Landorus Ground / Flying Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Island
234 Enamorus Fairy / Flying Crimson Mirelands - Scarlet Bog Paradigm awaiting 235 Dialga Steel / Dragon Coronet Highlands - Temple of Sinnoh
236 Palkia Water / Dragon Coronet Highlands - Temple of Sinnoh
237 Giratina Ghost / Dragon Cobalt Coastlands - Turnback Cave
238 Arceus Normal Coronet Highlands - Temple of Sinnoh
239 Phione Water Cobalt Coastlands - Seaside Hallow
240 Manaphy Water Cobalt Coastlands - Seaside Hallow
241 Shaymin Grass and, depending on forme, Flying Requires a salve file from Pokémon Sword and / or Shield
242 Darkrai Nighttime Requires a save file from Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and / or Shining Pearl

Tangela Ancient Power Legends Arceus,


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